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Selecting the best security testing solutions can be an arduous task. With increasing internet usage in every field of work, there is news about a website or software being hacked or the latest ransomware attacks. Moreover, cybercriminals are continuously working on new ways to breach network security and hack valuable information. Hence, securing your website or web applications is crucial against various malicious activities. And this is where we need to use the best security testing solutions to identify, analyze, and measure the extent of security issues associated with web applications or tools.
Now, let us know why it is important to use security testing solutions. Security testing solutions’ prime importance is to perform vulnerable assessments in applications and networks. Also, it prevents unauthorized access and network-level attacks, thereby finding vulnerabilities in cyber security before hackers do. Therefore, large and small organizations must understand the essentials of information security and take the necessary steps to improve security.
There are a few types of security tests for which the security tools are used, such as for
Web Security Testing:
It is the process of testing, reporting, and analyzing the Web application’s security level and posture.
Mobile Security Testing:
Mobile testing analyzes and identifies vulnerabilities in mobile applications used with platforms such as iOS, Android, and Windows mobile during or post development.
Network Penetration Testing:
This testing is designed for a broader means to test across a network’s security control.
Cloud Application Security testing:
This testing is done to assess the weaknesses or strengths of a cloud system to boost its overall security posture.
Application Security Testing:
This testing protects the applications from vulnerable threats by identifying the security weaknesses and vulnerabilities in secure code.
Software security testing:
The main objective of this testing is to determine the risk levels in the company’s IT network and testing software.

Here we have come up with the five best ones listed below
1. SonarQube
SonarQube has become more or less industry standard and is a universal tool for static code analysis and continuous inspection of code quality during the CI/CD pipeline. With SonarQube, code remains clean, simple, and easy to read. It also provides a detailed report of bugs, vulnerabilities, code smells, and duplications.
The great advantage is it supports 29 major programming languages through built-in rulesets and can be extended with various plugins. Some of the vulnerabilities detected by SonarQube are Cross-site scripting, Denial of Service (DoS) attacks, HTTP response splitting, Memory corruption, and SQL injection. Tricky issues or vulnerabilities found by SonarQube are highlighted either in green or red light, where the green light represents low-risk issues, and red ones correspond to severe risks.
2. ZAP (Zed Attack Proxy)
Awarded with the flagship status, Zed Attack Proxy (ZAP) is a multi-platform and one of the widely used open-source Application Security Testing tools developed by OWASP (Open Web Application Security Project). ZAP can be used by both newbies and professional penetration testers, thanks to its intuitive GUI (Graphical User Interface).
Mostly written in Java, ZAP is used to discover security vulnerabilities during the development and testing phases. Besides being used as a scanner, it is also used to intercept a proxy for a webpage’s manual testing. ZAP can detect application error disclosure, missing anti-CSRF tokens, security headers, private IP disclosure, the session ID in URL rewrite, SQL injection, and XSS injection.
3. Netsparker
Netsparker is an industry-leading and enterprise-class web application security solution that effectively manages the long-term security of all web application services. It has unique proof-based scanning features and automatically scans custom web applications for cross-site Scripting (XSS), SQL Injection, and other vulnerabilities. The proof of exploitation it provides shows that they are not false positives.
The great advantage of this tool is it is deadly accurate, scalable, agile, and can scan web applications built on various languages such as .NET, PHP, etc. It notifies when any vulnerability is identified and effectively manages the long-term security of all web applications and services. Also, it can perform Chrome-based crawling to find vulnerabilities in HTML5, Web 2.0, and single-page applications.
4. Arachni
Arachni is a fully featured, open-source automated security scanner for web applications designed for software penetration testing or development testing. This high-performance, modular, and versatile tool is based on the ruby framework and supports almost all popular web applications, including JavaScript, HTML5, AJAX, etc.
This tool’s great advantage is that it enables multi-user, multi-platform collaboration and comes with both a command line interface and a web-based GUI interface. Although it generates reports in the desired format (.xml, .txt, .html), its slow development is probably not a good choice for assessing vulnerability management for a business’s web assets.
5. IRON WASP (Iron Web application Advanced Security testing Platform)
Iron WASP is a powerful scanning tool and an open-source system for web application security testing platforms. It is GUI based and is designed to be customizable where the users can customize their custom security scanners using Python or Ruby scripting as a framework. It can detect over 25 types of web application vulnerabilities and also false positives and false negatives.
In addition, Iron WASP can assist in exposing a wide variety of vulnerabilities such as broken authentication, cross-site scripting, CSRF, hidden parameters, and privilege escalation. This tool can also generate reports in HTML and RTF formats.
Suppose your organization doesn’t have the experience or bandwidth to perform security or vulnerability assessments. In that case, many third-party or external web application testing companies or mobile security testing services can help you achieve the same.
We at 5dataInc are dedicated to providing the clients with high- quality world-class services in order to build a secure platform. All the methodologies and guidelines are developed with our specialists and are updated regularly.
Hence, secure your network before it’s too late and contact 5dataInc soon.