Code Accelerators
Accelerate your application development and solutions with World-Class Code Accelerators we build.
We at 5DataInc are focused on developing applications and producing a robust n-tier code that can be deployed and executed in client/server, web, or mobile. Our solution accelerators are readily available to use and help businesses develop custom software solutions quickly.

Code Accelerators Lab
At 5DATAINC, our code accelerator lab is set up for developing software accelerators that are secure, integrable and scalable. Our solutions help businesses with cost-efficient custom software application development. Most of our accelerator solutions work as off-the shelf softwares that can be plugged for functionality gaps, deployed quickly and Go-to-market. With 5dataInc’s accelerators you don’t have to start your custom application development from scratch. With ease of customization and no compromise on quality, our accelerators help you to release your Minimum Viable Product to the market quickly.
Full Stack Code Accelerators Experience
Our certified engineers work tirelessly to build code accelerators that are easily deployable, robust, and scalable.

Our Expertise:
- Front-end Scaffolding Tool
- AngularJS & ReactJS Support
- SpringBoot – proven by many Enterprises
Other key technologies leveraged are:
- Swagger, for API Documentation
- Maven, Npm, Yarn, Gulp and Bower as Dependency Managers and Build Tools
- Jasmine, Protractor, Cucumber and Gatling as Test Frameworks
- Liquibase for Database Versioning
UI Accelerator
Comprehensive collection of UI pre-built components which are readily usable for the modern digital experience needs. It is successfully implemented for more than 3 customers and has significantly benefitted with faster time to market, lesser tech debt and accessibility readiness. Bringing 150+ readymade customizable UI components helps the organizations with effective design readiness from day one.
Advantages of Accelerator UI:
- Ship Faster: Focus on your core business logic instead of reinventing the wheel—we’ve got your UI covered.
- Beautiful By Default: We are meticulous about our implementation of Material Design, ensuring that every UI component meets the highest standards of form and function, but diverge from the official specs where it is necessary to provide multiple great options.
- Customizability: the library includes an extensive set of intuitive customizable features. The templates in our store demonstrate how deep you can go with customization.
- Cross-Team Collaboration: UI’s intuitive developer experience reduces the barrier to entry for back-end developers and less technical designers, empowering teams to collaborate more effectively. Accelerator will streamline your workflow and boost consistency between designers and developers.