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The Top 4 Types Of Data Analytics That Can Help You To Grow Your Business

by | Oct 27, 2022

Your business is often influenced by your decisions, which are influenced by historical data. Analysis of raw data gives you a deep learning of the highs and lows of your business and leads you to data-driven decision-making. One of the many advantages of data analytics is that they portray the direction toward which your business is heading. Data trends of performance metrics from the past help in forecasting future trends, through which you can predict future outcomes.

Though we know that data analytics give better insights, the question is how to go about it. You need good data collection and management service providers to provide valuable insights into your business.

Types Of Data Analytics And How They Help Your Business

Descriptive analytics

As the name suggests, descriptive analytics describes previous records by pointing out what happened in your business. The graphs and reports generated in this analysis are fact sheets that summarize your business performance with substantiating data. For example, it could showcase which product got sold the most in a specific region, which social media channel got you the most sales, and so on.

In enrolment of online courses, the descriptive analysis could include data like the percentage of entrepreneurs vs. engineering graduates who enrolled, etc. As this type of analytics generates basic reports, they serve as the basis for advanced data analytics.

It is no wonder that data scientists are in demand worldwide for their capability to project the portfolio of a business through the analysis of different forms of descriptive data.

Data aggregation and data mining are the two different stages of descriptive analytics. Data aggregation involves collating big data from multiple sources and sorting it; data mining involves identifying patterns within the data to draw meaning from it. SPSS, MATLAB, Microsoft Excel, and STATA are some tools used in big data analytics.

Diagnostics analytics helps to know why data trends have ups and downs | 5DataInc

Diagnostic analytics

Diagnostics analytics helps to know why data trends have ups and downs. Business owners who want to make informed decisions always look at highly data-driven results. They may help to examine the market demand for a particular product or explain the cause of reduced customer interest in a particular service. In short, diagnostic analytics helps you to know why the event happened. During diagnostic analysis, you would examine past data and prepare an analytical dashboard that explains the results.

Principle component analysis, regression analysis, sensitivity analysis, training algorithms, and conjoint analysis are some of the tools used in diagnostic analytics.

Predictive analytics

Amidst the ongoing business, do you find a promising trend? Is there a time soon when your sales will soar so you can launch your next service? Is there a probability that your revenue would go down for a brief period? To answer your questions, you require predictive data analytics. They work based on past data to give you insights to forecast the upcoming highs or detect future problems in case certain conditions are met.

Predictive analytics are useful in various cases like risk modeling, fraud detection, and customer segmentation. Sentiment analysis, known as opinion mining, is predictive analytics.

Predictive analysis is a way of finding out the emotions underlying a piece of textual data to label them as positive or negative. Data scientists then use the data to coach the model to identify the patterns through which we could streamline the marketing efforts. Adopting the machine learning approach could yield highly accurate results.

Predictive Analytics Tools include predictive modeling, quantitative analysis, and machine learning algorithms.

Prescriptive analytics

It is the most crucial and advanced analytics as it prescribes the action to take because of a specific target. Descriptive and diagnostic analytics look at what and why it happened in the past, and predictive and prescriptive analytics look into what and how something will happen in the future.

Prescriptive analytics is a form of advanced analytics that uses external information and internal data to generate actionable insights that are useful for the business. Techniques include simulation analysis, artificial intelligence, neural work algorithms, and machine learning. Prescriptive analytics is applied in financial markets, transportation history, and marketing and sales.

Which Type Of Analytics Should I Choose For My Business?

With time, companies have discovered the importance of data analytics for their business. Data consists of real numbers which show the actual happenings. According to Forbes, 53% of companies choose data analytics to enhance their business by making data-driven decisions. So the next question is, which type of analytics to go for?

The type of analytics your business needs depends on the stage of your business. Early stages would require diagnostic and descriptive analytics, while a business in a more developing stage would need advanced analytics, that is, predictive and prescriptive analytics, put together. If there is a big change in performance trends, you might need prescriptive analytics to know how the problem occurred and what you could do in the future to avoid a similar situation. You may choose one of the 4 types of data analytics or a combination of two to work towards your business goals.

5Datainc Are Here To Help

Your business requires professionals in the field of data science to guide you through your decisions and give you a competitive advantage. Whether you want to optimize your business operations, grow sales or manage risk, 5Datainc is here to assist. We specialize in data analytics service that help you collate, analyze, process, visualize and digitize your data to let you make informed decisions.

Additionally, we are the best software application development service provider that offers application development services to design robust architecture. If you are looking for data collection and data management service providers, you may reach us at to get in touch, and we would be happy to work with you!


